Tuesday 11 October 2016

Caught On Camera!

    Number 2 casts his vote!
    Even Number 2 votes for Number 6. Perhaps there was an agreement that the two candidates wouldn’t vote for themselves. But did Number 6 vote for his opponent, or did he abstain? Because Number 6 is seen at the ballot box still wearing his rosette! Also why is Number 2’s ballot box empty? He should have received at least received 20 votes, judging by the number of his supporters standing on the lawn during the last exchange between the two candidates. Number 2 observes that Number 6 is doing rather well, but Number 6 isn’t one to carp!

Be seeing you


  1. Hi David,
    In this scene, Number 6 looks stunned...as if he "feels" that something isn't right, but he just can't put his finger on what it is.
    He even apologized about winning the election! So, deep down, he really didn't want to be Number 2...at least not from what I observed in this episode. Sure he went along with the whole election sham...partly because he was drugged to go along with them...but I think that he already knew that he was being manipulated and that something else was in the works....that he would not really be given the position of Number 2 ...to be given any real power in the Village.

    Best Wishes,

    1. Hello Karen,
      Yes he does. I’ve never really understood why he apologizes for winning the election, one would think he would be overjoyed. But perhaps he suddenly realizes that by winning the election he has become one of them! That even though winning the election there is no way he can attain the freedom he craves, that he’s still as much a prisoner as ever. Maybe that’s the reason why Number 6, after being slapped back to his senses, suddenly attempts to bring the system down from within by trying to get the citizens to rise up in a mass exodus.
      They could never give Number 6 real power, they knew only too well what he would do if he attained such power.

      Best wishes
      Be seeing you

  2. Hello David,

    We are thinking along the same lines as I had concluded that Number 6 had realized that to accept the position of Number 2 meant accepting the Village and that he would have to BE IN the Village for as long as he was Number 2 !
    The only reason that I can think of to explain why the Village went to all of the trouble of the fake election ...was to make Number 6 think that he had a chance to find out who Number 1 was ...but the Village turned it around on him...while at the same time hoping to get the answer to their question!!

    They ended up in a Stalemate . ..not Checkmate !


    1. Hello Karen,
      Yes I like that, your idea that Number 6 realized that being Number 2 would keep him in The Village for as long as he was needed. He might well have become the permanent Number 2!
      To me ‘Free For All’ is just another way of trying to break Number 6. They began by letting Number 6 know that they know what he would do if he won the election, to organize a mass breakout, or at least create confusion, and in that confusion he could escape. By letting them know what was in his mind, they effectively showed Number 6 that that wasn’t going to work, which it didn’t! And when the plan of ‘Free For All’ failed they resorted to good old fashioned brute force, and that didn’t work either. But at least the two motor mechanics were able to extract their revenge on Number 6, for the beating he gave them aboard the jet boat! For me Number 1 has nothing to do with it, except for seeing that the tissue isn’t damaged!

      Best regards
      Be seeing you
