Sunday 23 October 2016


    “Sir, do you play chess sir?” each time I will Number 6 to say no, but he never does. If only he would just once say no, then the old Count’s game would be well and truly up, as that would leave him one Pawn short of a chess set!
    Number 6 asks Number 8 who is Number 1? She avoids the question by suggesting that that was a good move. But Number 6 knows a better one, away from The Village! Some little time after the chess match Number 8 follows Number 6, I suppose she’s intrigued with him, perhaps because of his attitude. But did you know that Number 8 follows Number 6 in the exact same scene during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben?’ True she does, but only for a few seconds, but there can be no mistake!
    As for The Rook, well I don’t think they would have escaped in any case, not even if M.S. Polotska had been a genuine vessel looking for survivors of a plane crash. Number 6 would have had to persuade the Captain of his story, then the vessel would have had to have been taken inshore so as to pick up the others, and that would have been dangerous enough.
    As for Number 8 and most of Number 6’s confederates, we do not see them again. But we do see a doctor, who appears to be the equivalent of the male doctor in ‘Dance of The Dead!’ Either actor/actress could have played either part in either episode, or both parts! As for Number 2.... if it hadn’t been for the Rook.....well let’s just say he got lucky enough to retrieve the situation. But no doubt Number 1 would have some choice questions to ask of Number 2! Mind you, Napoleon said of one of his Generals, “I know he is a good General, is he lucky?

Be seeing you

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