Monday 31 October 2016

Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling

    There are three instances in which Number 6 heads for home. During ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ although he doesn’t actually make it back to London, only to a mock-up of an office he knows very well. ‘Many Happy Returns,’ in which he wakes up to find The Village deserted, and so having built a sea-going raft sets out on a voyage of discovery, and this time actually arrives back home in London. And ‘Fall Out,’ in having escaped The Village and journeyed over land and by ferry to Dover, the former Number 6 arrives home. And yet where does ‘Do Not Forsake me Oh My Darling’ fit in? Number 6 once said “Don’t tell me that time travel is in it as well?” Well it does appear to be, although Number 6 hasn’t exactly escaped The Village, he has been taken back there, and apparently at the same time, he’s been taken back in time. Because Number 6 was supposed to have woken up in his London home on the morning he was due to hand in his letter of resignation! But he soon forgets about that when memories of The Village suddenly come flooding back to him when he looks into a mirror! However like the previous occasion Number 6 doesn’t stay in London for very long, and he’s soon on his travels again. And like the previous occasion he’s eventually brought back to The Village. But in this instance The Village is the only place he can ever go in order to become whole again!

Be seeing you

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