Monday 31 October 2016

Who’s That On the Telephono?

    “Do you think that’s altogether wise sir?....................well what I mean is to involve Number Six……………. no sir of course not sir, three bags full sir…………no sir I didn’t mean…………all I meant was that any plan involving Number 6 has always failed……… predecessor, what had Number Six done to her?...............oh I see her predecessor………………. oh her predecessor but he’s never met Number Six………. oh I see, didn’t he end up in the psychiatric wing of the hospital?.................... yes sir………….of course sir………. but I still don’t see how involving Number Six will…………… yes sir but plan Division Q will depend on Number Six’s co-operation and as you know……….. what’s that sir………….. if I pull a face and the wind changes I’ll stay like that, are you having a laugh?..........yes sir……yes sir………….yes sir………… you didn’t like it, well I thought Number Six pulling the girl onto the bed helped spice things up a bit………. yes sir I will……….Oh dear, seems like he’s got one of his moods on!

Be seeing you

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