Friday 4 November 2016

Teabreak Teaser

   In ‘Arrival’ the public announcement was made that ice cream was on sale, and that strawberry was the flavour of the day. Does that mean strawberry was the only flavour of ice cream on sale on that day, or is strawberry simply the recommended flavour of the day?

Be seeing you


  1. Most likely it wasn't just strawberry but, as it mostly happens in the Village, it should be regarded as a (very) strong recommendation, more than that: a guideline that Villager ought to stick to. Everyone licks strawberry. Because allegiance to the system is displayed even in the least of matters. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Yes you are probably right, and everyone "licks" strawberry. Well mines a raspberry ripple, or mint choc chip!

      "Because allegiance to the system is displayed even in the least of matters." I like that, I'd never thought of it in such terms.

      Best regards

  2. Yes, it is a vicious trait of any society forcing its members to behave, to conform one way or the other. Wasn't it No. 2 (McKern) who said about No.6 (not literally) that once he "answered" a minor detail he'd deliver everything else? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Yes indeed it is. Number 2 said "It only needs one small thing. If he will answer one simple question, the rest will follow. Why did he resign?" Funnily enough one of Number 2's predecessors tried that during the Prisoner's de-briefing in 'Arrival.' He thought that if he could get the Prisoner to answer one simple question, like giving the time of his birth, then the rest would follow. The Prisoner did oblige by giving the time of his birth, but had nothing more to say, nothing!

      have a good evening and enjoy the weekend.
      Best regards
