Thursday 10 November 2016

Who’s That On The Telephono?

   The doctor………. Well he’s so enthusiastic about his work, he lets himself get carried away you know……….oh you don’t know……..splendid……..oh he’ll be no trouble, its just a matter of time…………..The Ball, tomorrow night, we’re preparing for it now…………… you don’t say………….oh you do say………… you’ll be there……….how shall I know you?...........Oh I see, you’re coming as yourself, that should prove interesting!
   Interesting……..especially when one considers the eventual identity of Number 1. Number 2 wasn’t to know that she made Number 1 the cabaret act by putting him on trial. However it was nice to see Number 1 throwing himself into the part of the Prisoner by asking what is his crime? In fact I’m surprised Number 2 was allowed get away with that, because she must have known who Number 1 was, standing there without a costume, he stuck out like a sore thumb having gone to the Ball as himself! But he certainly led Number 2 a merry dance, not to mention the people chasing him though the halls of the Town Hall. Number 1 told Number 2 “You’ll never win.” To which she responded “Then how very uncomfortable for you old chap.” It’s no wonder we do not see this particular Number 2 again, having made a threat like that!

    Production footnote: It would appear that continuity {Doris Martin} didn’t point out to Mary Morris that she was using the wrong coloured prop. That should be a red telephone, not a turquoise one!

Be seeing you

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