Sunday 26 February 2017

Quote For The Day

    “Are you satisfied”
                     {Number 6 – Many Happy Returns}

    Well let’s say the dice were heavily loaded in Number 6’s favour, well according to the Colonel. Number 6, although he had escaped the confines of The Village, couldn’t let it rest. He had questions, and wanted answers, although the questions may well have been his burden, the answers may well have made a prison for him, had he realized them! After all he had already been betrayed by one Colonel and Fotheringay, and now he had placed himself in the hands of another. Then there’s Thorpe, who didn’t take to Number 6 at all, with his sarcastic and somewhat sceptical remarks. He’d probably have Number 6 put back in The Village as soon as look at him! But who else was there to help Number 6? He said he wasn’t sure which side ran The Village, which the Colonel saw as being a mutual problem, and if Number 6 couldn’t solve it there, then elsewhere. But that couldn’t be allowed, so the sooner Number 6 was back in The Village the safer it would be for all concerned. And a lesson well learned in the process!

Be seeing you

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