Wednesday 22 March 2017


   Three episodes remain in ‘True Entertainment’s screening of ‘the Prisoner,’ so soon we’ll be back where ‘the Prisoner’ started. But at least tonight there is a little respite for Number 6 as he deals with The Girl Who Was Sonia Death, well at least its Sonia according to the closing credits. And if you ever wondered what Number 6 did in his former employment, ‘The Girl Who Was Death’ gives a little insight into that. It might not look a whole lot of fun for Number 6, but at least the episode provides the television viewer with some light relief from what has gone before and for what is yet to come. Because in ‘Once Upon A time’ it’s got to either one of them, Number 2 was a good man, but if they get Number 6 he will be better.
   Number 6 regressed to his childhood Number 2 takes Number 6 through his life in the hope that when he arrives at the point when the Prisoner resigns he’ll be more amicable towards giving the reason behind his resignation. ‘Once Upon A Time’ is a superb piece of stage acting, the one on one situation, but with the
Butler on hand to help out as each part of Number 6’s life is played out. But its not the first time we have witnessed a one to one situation, ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ could be described as that. After all the main protagonists are Number 6 and Number 2, with Number 14 called upon to help out on occasion.
   Originally ‘Once Upon A Time’ or to give the episode its working title of Degree Absolute,’ was not meant to have been a prequel to ‘Fall Out,’ but a stand alone episode. Had it remained so, there would have been no resuscitation of Number 2 as there is in ‘Fall Out,’ instead he would have remained dead at the end of the episode!

Be seeing you

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