Thursday 23 March 2017

The Prisoner Promotes Responsible Drinking!

    Last night I sat watching ‘The Girl Who Was Death.’ Mister X having arrived at his local public house sat at the bar enjoying a pint of beer. But then a message begins to appear “you” as the beer recedes “have” etched on the bottom of the glass “just been poisoned.” Doris asked him if cared for another, but one of those was quite enough. And then suddenly leaving the bar, Mister X was on his way to the gents toilet….just a minute they cut out the part of the scene when he drinks a cocktail of drinks, Whisky, Vodka, Gin, Brandy, Tia Maria, Tequila, Schnapps, Sherry, and Drambuie in order to make himself sick! Me, I was left with the impression of Mister X in the toilet with two fingers rammed down his throat trying to make himself sick! It occurred to me that the decision was made by someone at ‘True Entertainment’ to cut that part of the scene because of the problem of binge drinking amongst young people !?

Be seeing you


  1. If characters in The Prisoner were seen smoking they'd most likely been cut out either. They don't shoot smoking scenes anymore today do they. How stupid is this!? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      None of the smoking scenes in 'the Prisoner' were cut in this lastest screening. When Number 6 tries to smoke his cigar, Number 6 lights Alison cigarette for her, Number 6 rolls himself a cigarette in the Jailhouse, and the Girl in Mr. x's local pub is seen smoking.
      And period dramas on British television show people smoking, in the recent BBC drama SS-GB Insepctor Archer of the police seemed always to be lighting up!

      Best regards

  2. Oh yes, I forgot. But one could "excuse" these scenes because they are of importance for the action, the identification of the real No. 6 and so on. I rarely watch new German TV productions, when I did most of what I saw appeared to be "clean". I might be mistaken. - BCNU!

    1. I much prefer period dramas to modern time drama, from the 1960’s backwards. A Drams set in modern times has to be good or different for me to watch it.

