Tuesday 23 May 2017

Caught On Camera!

   Previously two instances have been observed in the early stages of ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ when Number 6 appears to be in two places at the same time. First he’s seen standing on the balcony of the Green Dome, when Number 6 is still in bed, and on the second occasion Number 6 is seen standing on top of the stone Bandstand just before he leaves the Green Dome. However there is a third occasion, when in an aerial view of the central area of The Village Number 6 can be seen running along the road, moments before Number 6 is seen returning to his cottage!
   Is this a case of a 6 impersonator in The Village? Or is it Curtis at large as he begins to live his role as Number 6? Or perhaps Number 1 is enjoying the freedom of The Village while Number 6 is otherwise engaged?!

Be seeing you


  1. Wait a minute! What's that thing at the rear side of the Colonnade with the 3 vases on it? Looks like a "screen". Judging by more recent images there's no such thing any more of that height is it. An illusion of the eyes or a damaged part of the back wall of the colonnade that was taken down? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      When I read your comment I was quite intrigued, as I had never noticed such a thing. However I think its just how the sun makes it all glow, the effect of the sunlight on the stone. Mind you I did lighten the picture to enhance the running figure clearer in the road.
      So no screen, and no damage to the Colonnade, so no removed section as its still there today as its always been.

      Best regards

  2. I can see what you're up to. You may be right. You'd have to be acquainted with calculating measurements from a perspective. Yet, it looks damn high. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Its a question of perspective. I've studied other images of the Colonnade and the structure on the top is correct is correct in size to how it is today.

