Thursday 4 May 2017

The Prisoner Repeat Screening!

    It has been confirmed that ‘True entertainment’ is to re-screen ‘the Prisoner’ on Sunday afternoons, commencing this coming Sunday, two episodes from 3pm to 5pm. I’ll be watching.

Be seeing you


  1. "Hell, they've locked my door since No. 2 urged me to house that shop in my flat (it'd also reduce the rent he promised). I can tell you, it isn't particularly enjoyable walking past all that merchandising stuff everything of which showing my face. One of No. 2's little tricks again, trying to convince me that my imprisonment was over and now the Village had been turned into something like a pilgrimage place for "Prisoner" fans. Not me. Not me!"

    1. Hello Arno,
      That's very good, well written, well said, and most amusing....poor old Number 6, having to go through it all over again!

