Monday 12 June 2017

There Never Was A Number 1!

    The question at the time was, how was Patrick McGoohan going to wrap it up with regard to ‘Once Upon A Time,’ to resolve the question of Number 1? According to ‘the Prisoner’ Film Librarian Tony Sloman he once said that McGoohan was never going to resolve the question. There never was a Number 1. Pat McGoohan was Number 1. We were all Number 1. There was never a Number 1. The extra shots were never there on the original. That was the end. Because ‘Once Upon A Time’ was originally just another episode, being one of the early written episodes. The final scene at the end in which the Supervisor asks Number 6 what he desires? To which Number 6 replies "Number One" was later added
    Makes you think... doesn't it especially when in THEPRIS6NER 1,100 said “There is no Number One. There has never been a Number One, and there never will be.”

Be seeing you

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