Monday 24 July 2017

Page 6

    Number 6 followed Number 14 to the secret laboratory in the woods. He gained entry. He discovered what Number 2 and Number 14 had been doing to him. He found the third dose of the drug, and having removed some of the drug from the syringe he diluted what remained with water taken from a carafe. I did wonder what the effect of that diluted drug might be. The fact that Number 6 was physically under a great strain, that the cause of the instability of that third dream, and his eventual collapse was down to the fact he had diluted that third dose. But no, even when diluted a drug does retain its potency, although that potency would be reduced, which allowed Number 6 to manipulate his own dream. Pity, I liked the idea of Number 6 causing instability of his dream, and subsequent collapse due to his having meddled with the drug!

Be seeing you

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