Sunday 13 August 2017

They Found It Funny!

    “I am not a number, I am a person,” that’s what Number 6 started his opening election speech with, and the citizens, the electorate, laughed at him! This chap, Number 54 found it particularly funny, perhaps he learned long ago that he is not a person he is a number. That there is no such thing as a “person” in The Village, only numbers. Perhaps this Number 45 was once like Number 6, in his younger days, he may have resisted insisted that he’s not a number but a person. It seems Number 6 still has that to learn, and Number 54 found that funny. I wonder when he died, the number 54 having been reissued to the maid in ‘Dance of The Dead,’ and when had she arrived in The Village?

Be seeing you

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