Friday 20 October 2017

Page 6

    Beautiful day, and it most certainly is, another sunny warm day in the charming and picturesque Village, which even the Prisoner had to admit is charming. Strange then that he couldn’t wait for the opportunity to try and escape. When it came he made his way through the woods and down onto the beach. I wonder where he thought he was going, and how far he would get? Even behind the wheel of a Mini-Moke he didn’t get that far, not even as far as the outer perimeter! Had he managed to remain in that vehicle and not have become mesmerized by the fast approaching white membranic Guardian, he might have swerved round it and carried on to the end of the beach and on his way to the next town! Well you can see the next town in some of the aerial shots when Number 6 attempts to escape in the helicopter. Number 6 a man in isolation! Isolation? He’s hardly alone in The Village, and The Village is hardly isolated and by what I can see from aerial pictures, when Number 6 is attempting to escape by helicopter, it seems the next town’s only about 3 miles away! It that where the milk, the ice cream, the potatoes, and the aspirins comes from? If I’m not very much mistaken Number 8 in ‘Checkmate’ takes the road in that direction in a stolen taxi, well at least she should find her way there from the end of the drive, the main road........ but she turned back before she reached it. Because the next thing we know is she’s back in The Village still looking for Number 6!

Be seeing you

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