Monday 16 October 2017

Thought For The Day

    For years there have been devotees of ‘the Prisoner’ who thought, and probably do still think ZM73 lived in a flat. And yet here is one of the delegates of the assembly holding up the key to ZM73’s house, its irrefutable proof that cannot be denied, also the fact that when Janet Portland came looking for her fiancé, due to the fact that his car was parked outside the house, she went upstairs looking for him. There are two questions, who purchased the said house on behalf of Number 6, and why? And who put the house on the market in the first place? Lead us or go the President said, were they really prepared to let Number 6 go just like that if that’s what he wanted? They must have been to have purchased the house in Number 6’s name, and to have his car made ready for him. If so then all that has gone before has been a complete and utter waste of time! So either No. 1 Buckingham Place is to become Number 1’s town house hence the automatic electrically operated front door, or symbolically the Prisoner had been in The Village all the time!

Be seeing you

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