Saturday 11 November 2017

A Right Free For All!

   In ‘Free For All’ Number Six is flatly defeated at the end of the episode. They might not have been able to "damage the tissue," but they gave it a damned good bruising! Number 6 gained nothing for his pains. He is made vulnerable to the authorities because he entertains the idea of gaining power {being elevated to the new Number Two}. Much of this episode then can be seen as the study of a candidate's motivations. Although his motivations are suspect once he has been conditioned, he does enter the race with a clear mind. Some observers have noted that Number Six's ego trips him up - that his desire for power is some type of character flaw subject to exploitation. But there's probably something more political going on here - Number Six's flaw is more likely the belief {however tentative} that the possibility exists for change within the system. The system portrayed here, is inflexible - totalitarian. There is no room for change.
    It should be noted that there is no clear evidence that Number Six actually decided to stand for office, he simply couldn't resist the
challenge when given the opportunity to stand. Number Six had no sights set on the position of Number Two, he simply wanted to take advantage of an opportunity provided, to make his thoughts known to the citizens of The Village, to shake them up, to organise a mass breakout!
    On the day of the Prisoner's arrival in The Village, Number 2 intimated that the Prisoner may even be given a position of authority, but I suspect that that would be only on the grounds of the Prisoner's co-operation!

Be seeing you


  1. Number 6 and his ego certainly cost him in the end. As Number 58 soon to be Number 2 warned him..." Will you never learn?" In my opinion...he never learned when it came to his question time and his escape. This is my favourite episode in the series David. BCNU!

    1. Hello Pat,
      That's right, Number 6 never learned, but it never stopped him trying! Its my fourth favourite episode.
      Be seeing you
