Tuesday 21 November 2017

Caught On Camera!

   After the two motor mechanics had given Number 6 a good working over, not damaging the tissue, just bruising it a little, why did they feel the need to remove his jacket?
   Surely the scene should have looked like this with jacket intact.

  Obviously the scene had been rehearsed which these two production photographs indicate, the one with Number 6 wearing his jacket, the other without.
   So why go for a take without Number 6 wearing his jacket? And that in turn brings me back to my original question. After the two motor mechanics had given Number 6 a good working over, not damaging the tissue, just bruising it a little, why did they feel the need to remove his jacket? Mind you they are most obliging in The Village, having bruised the tissue they have Number 6 taken home on a stretcher and put to bed!

Be seeing you

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