Monday 27 November 2017

The Village Was Deserted!

    The Village flag, with its canopied Penny Farthing design, fluttered in the breeze as the leaves on the trees. A discarded carried bag from the General Store was blown along a cobbled path, other than that nothing in The Village was disturbed. There were overturned tables and colourful canopies at the Old People’s Home as though people left in a hurry, and yet at table at the Cafe tea things were still set out for afternoon tea!
    No-one stirred, The Village was deserted!
    No-one was serving or being served at the Cafe, the General Store was locked up. No-one to be seen at the Old People’s Home, even the Stone Boat was vacant of anyone even remotely trying to sail her. What’s more the Ex-Admiral’s chess pieces lay scattered on the lawn.
    The Village was deserted!
    There was no-one playing beach ball, or paddling in the water, no-one sunbathing, or promenading along the quayside, or swimming in the open air lido, but then no-one went swimming in the open air lido! There was no helicopter standing idle on the triangular lawn by the sea wall. No-one looking out over the estuary from the outlook atop of the cliffs.
    The Village was deserted!
    The taxi rank was vacant of any taxis, nor were there any parked in the roads. There was no-one at the top of the Bell Tower pulling on a rope to ring a bell in order to attract someone, anyone’s attention. There was no-one’s attention to attract.
    The Village was deserted!
    The Green Dome was open, the door to which stood ajar, but if it were a jar then it couldn’t be a door could it? Either way there was still no-one there, Number 2 wasn’t sat in the black spherical chair, all he, or she, had left behind in her or his place, was an umbrella shooting stick. But the old school or college scarf had been taken.
    The Village was deserted!
    There wasn’t even that white membranic Guardian roving about keeping The Village safe, no point trying to keep the citizens safe the Village was deserted! Which begs the question..............why did they leave me, The Village cat behind? So here I sit waiting for the day when there’s a happy return of someone........anyone!
   The Village was.........almost deserted!

Be seeing you

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