Wednesday 29 November 2017

Village Life!

    It would seem that some people in The Village have it pretty easy, lounging about in deckchairs and the like. While some punished for something they have done wrong, are being made to hop everywhere on one leg for hours, sometimes days on end! Whilst those aboard the Stone Boat appear to be busy preparing her in readiness for the Ex-Admiral to take her out to sea, and those other two, well they’re simply playing beach ball. Bit dangerous playing it there I should have thought!  However there might be a cunning plan behind the two climbing the rigging, a seemingly inane activity. They could be practicing an escape routine under the very point of Number 2’s umbrella shooting stick, an escape by sea. Not aboard the Stone boat, but some other vessel perhaps hidden along the coastline. Then again it might be just be two men having a race to see which of them can get to the top of the rigging first!

Be seeing you

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