Tuesday 12 December 2017

Caught On Camera!

   Touché! When Number 6 presented the Rook with an aerial for the radio transmitter the Rook asked him where he got it. He told him he’d broken the aerial off one of the taxis. Had he, because Mini-Mokes aren’t generally fitted with aerials let alone radios. So where did Number 6 really get that aerial? However he did break it off one of the taxis just as he said. Pictorial study has proved that The Village taxis were fitted with aerials, if not with radios. In both ‘Arrival’ and ‘Checkmate’ an aerial is attached to the off-side mudguard which would be right. However the Mini-Moke driven by the white Queen-Number 8 has its aerial attached to the off-side of the bonnet just behind the clip that secures the bonnet. This looks very suspicious, and is a possible indication that the actual aerials are fitted simply for aesthetic reasons, also so that Number 6 could break an aerial off one of the taxis in Checkmate. This is backed up by the fact that the Mini-Moke HLT 709C, which was only used for filming in ‘Living In Harmony,’ has no aerial! And let us not forget, radio receivers are not permitted in The Village, it’s against the rules!

Be seeing you

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