Wednesday 24 January 2018

A Favourite Scene In A B and C

    This housemaid vaguely reminds me of someone, it might almost be Martha, Mrs. Butterworth’s housemaid from ‘Many Happy Returns.’
    I have to say they looks after the resident’s very well, seeing as she’s just made Number 6 his nightcap of hot chocolate. I wonder how many more residents she does this service for, not all of them I expect. No doubt there are a number of such housemaids hurrying about The Village performing this self same task in the early evening for any number of residents. And there’s curfew time to consider, all of them trying to get finished in time. I wonder if housemaids make their own nightcap, or if they make it for each other?
    “Goodnight sir.”
    Its no wonder Number 6 has never seen a night, he just sleeps.....but that’s another episode!

Be seeing you

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