Saturday 17 February 2018


    Curiously in today’s Times newspaper there is an article on page 12 regarding allegations that Jeremy Corbyn {leader of the Labour party} was a Soviet informer for the Czechoslovakian regime during the cold war. Confidential files from the Secret Police archives obtained, and published by The Sun newspaper last Thursday, claimed to show that Corbyn met with Jan Sarkocy who at the time was an agent with the Czech secret police and was stationed as a diplomat in London in the 1980’s. Sarkocy claimed that he had recruited Corbyn, who was a Labour Party back bencher MP at the time, and that money was exchanged for information. It was the official code name given to Corbyn, recorded in the files of the secret police at the time, which made my wife’s eyes light up as she read the article. The code name was “COB.” Only one ‘B’ but nevertheless the code name rang a note of recognition with Cobb in ‘Arrival.’

Be seeing you

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