Thursday 1 February 2018

Many Happy Returns

    “Be seeing you’ said the pilot, and that was that, Number 6 ejected out of the aircraft and was left to float gently down to the beach below. And after Number 6 has returned to his cottage, the room where he can only ever go, whether it be in London or the Village, where normal service has been resumed, he looks up longingly to the sky. But the aircraft has long since departed, reported lost in an accident at sea, as were both pilot and navigator I should imagine.
   And yet it’s strange how Number 6 is so eager to leave The Village when the going is good, but that he cannot wait to get back there, talk about Shangri-la!
   This episode is rather like that of the whole series, a vicious circle, in which the Prisoner ends up where he began. And just as much a prisoner as when he started!

Be seeing you

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