Sunday 25 February 2018

Village Life!

   “Me sir, I’m quite well thank you for asking………the old ulcer plays up from time to time, but other than that…………..I’m in the Boardroom………..well it could be my office is it wasn’t for the round table…………..well its round and made up of curved sections of table, covered in green baize………no sir we’re not playing snooker……. The Knights of the round table sir, I don’t understand?...........Freemason’s sir, no I’m not a Freemason………….well I admit there is something about the chair………its abstract in design……..why should I wish to sit in it?.............Tts for the Grandmaster…………….well he can have it as far as I’m concerned………………initiated sir, no I’ve never been initiated as far as I know………… have I ever rolled my trouser leg up? Only when I’ve been at the seaside……… Who sir?………the Butler is here now, he’s just brought my milk in……….no sir, not the milkman…………well he’s a bit quiet you know, but he’s loyal and dependent……………. That’s the odd thing about him, he never takes his black gloves off!............have I heard of who sir…..…the Dorset strangler……’re pulling my leg!........... well at least he’s not the Penge poisoner!.........thank you for your concern, but I should be alright as long as I sleep standing up!

Be seeing you

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