Thursday 15 March 2018

A Favourite Scene In Fee For All

     “The community can rest assured that their interests are very much my own, and that the security of the citizens will be my primary objective. Be seeing you.”
    Number 6 seems very pleased with himself, no doubt because he has appeared on television before the entire community. Which I suppose can be described as a party political broadcast, but who watches those? I always turn the television off, or change channels! Number 6 is their local candidate standing for election as the new Number 2. He certainly has a knack for it. His attitude is assured, he’s positive, and he already begins to sound like Number 2. Talking about the community’s interests being very much his own, and the security of the citizens being his primary objective. That doesn’t sound like Number 6 at all! He’s been brainwashed, either that or he has some ulterior motive!

Be seeing you


  1. To me he is totally brainwashed! If I remember correctly ,the line was..."The community can rest assured that the interests are very much my own and if there is anything I can do to maintain the security of the citizens will be my primary objective. Be Seeing You. "Thanks David!

    1. Hello Pat,
      You are absolutely right, in fact what Number 6 mutters to himself is exactly what he has said during his speech on television. As far as I can tell, the only true speech, that is his own, is his first speech. After that his mind is conditioned, and don’t forget the brewer in so the called Therapy Zone, he doctored Number 6’s drink to carry him right through the election!

      Be seeing you
