Wednesday 2 May 2018

Many Happy Returns

    Many Happy Returns, not for Number 6 it wasn’t, or was it? Because for a man who was so desperate to escape The Village when he woke one morning to find the place deserted, it was almost as though he couldn’t return there quick enough! Did he really have to go back to locate The Village, surely he could have left it to the Royal Air Force, and other such professionals. But as we see he had to do it himself, perhaps he only trusted the task to himself. Perhaps not thinking for one moment that he was putting his head back in the lion’s mouth! It did strike me that perhaps there might not have been the necessity to change the Group Captain with the Milkman, if the Group Captain had been working for The Village. Think of it, the Group Captain as pilot of the Gloster Meteor Jet, and having refuelled at Gibraltar the two set about commencing the search for The Village. Suddenly there, that could be it, go closer, there is it, we’ve found it. The pilot raises the visor of his helmet and looks back over his shoulder as his hand reaches for the yellow and black striped ejector seat leaver. “Be seeing you” the Group Captain greets his navigator and pulls hard on the leaver ejecting Number 6 out of the aircraft. I think that way would have had a bigger impact on the viewer than the original scene. What think you?

Be seeing you

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