Friday 27 July 2018

A Favourite Scene In A B And C

    It’s an uncomplicated little scene, there’s Number 2 having not long got out of bed in a room somewhere in the labyrinth under The Village. He had a bad night, he said he couldn’t sleep, perhaps he hadn’t drunk his nightcap! He wanted to know what that Number 6 was doing. It’s nice to know that Number 2’s first waking thought is of Number 6, well much of Number 6 depends upon Number 2’s future.
    Unlike Number 2, Number 6 has been up for some hours, presumably he did drink his nightcap, and has been on his early morning walk around The Village. He knows he’s under close surveillance, but it doesn’t worry him, in fact he pauses to salute into a camera knowing full well that Number 2 is watching.
    “Irritating man, he’s always walking.”
    “Be seeing you.”
    “No,” Number 2 replies “I’ll be seeing you!”
    I think this is mere coincidence, Number 6 did once accuse Number 2 of spending his time spying, as all his predecessors did. But no, Number 2 doesn’t spend all his time spying. He’s very much preoccupied with the idea of extracting the reason behind Number 6’s resignation, and he’s running out of time!

Be seeing you

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