Friday 13 July 2018

Page 6

    Sometimes, in his dreams he’s someone else, he’s Number 6! He might well have rejected his number, failed to respond to, or even wear his number. But upon my word the Schizoid Man did his level best to cling to that identity, because at the time it was the only one he had! They took quite a liberty of having the Prisoner abducted to The Village, taking away his identity, not that he had an identity because no-one seems to know who he was, and they gave him a number. But they weren’t satisfied with that, because they came for him one night, took away his identity and made him out to be someone else! And even then they were not satisfied, they then reverted him back to look like his former self and made him impersonate himself! I am 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 oh that was Number 12, Number 6 is the one who said he knew his own fingerprints, I mean to say, who knows his own fingerprints? Number 6 for one, but name me another, well yes Number 12, but he was impersonating Number 6. So there were two people going about The Village impersonating Number 6. But if that wasn’t bad enough, at one time there were three people in The Village who looked like Number 6, with Number 1. There have been doubles, look-a-likes, and twins in The Village before, but now triplets! Where will it all end, because the end is but the beginning, and the Prisoner’s immediate future seems to be as his recent past.

Be seeing you

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