Monday 9 July 2018

Quote For The Day

    “A request you say?”
    “Yes sir. That's all, he asked me to play the Farandole from L'Arlesienne suite.”
    “What else?”
    “I don't understand sir.”
    “What else did he say?”
    “Nothing sir.”
    “Nothing! Number Six just asked you to play a tune... and then walked away.”
    “Did he sir? I didn't notice.”
    “Does that make any sense to you?”
    “No sir.”
    “No, it doesn't, does it. I'll ask you once again... did Number Six say anything else.... about me for example?”
    “About you sir?”
    “Well did he?”
    “No sir.”
    “Perhaps you've forgotten. Try to remember!”
    “He didn't sir.”
    “You're lying aren't you? There's something going on!”
    “I don't know what you mean sir.”
    “I don't know what you mean sir. I'm as much in the dark as you are. You're all lying! Its a plot! Going behind my back. Who do they think they're dealing with? Pigmies!”
                        {Number 2 and Number 202 - Hammer Into Anvil}

       Number 2 has leader of the Brass Band into his office in order to interrogate him about Number 6. But as usual he was barking up the wrong tree, all Number 6 did was ask the band leader to play the Farandole from the L’arlesienne suite. But Number 2 didn’t believe him, he was sure Number 6 had said something else to him, but of course he hadn’t. Number 202 was merely unwittingly used in one of Number 6’s little jamming activities against Number 2, and he fell for it! But in the end Number 2 did finally realize that the Band leader didn’t know what Number 2 was talking about and let him go. This Number 2 doesn’t appear to have a very high opinion of the citizens!

Be seeing you

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