Wednesday 22 August 2018

Village Life!

    Number 2 calls for an increase in vigilance, in other word he needs people to be alert to the danger within! Apparently this is for the security of the citizens. Number 6 once said the security of the citizens was his primary objective when he was standing for election. And he encountered a dissident, Number 12 of administration who turned out to be one of those enemies Number 2 talks about in his in his article in The Tally Ho. And as it turns out in the next episode an interim Number 2 has a list of malcontents, top of the list is Number 6. So this Number 2 wasn’t so far off the mark when it comes to enemies. But conspiracies? Number 2 is conducting a witch hunt simply on the basis of suspicion. There are no conspiracies, they are merely in the deluded mind of a paranoid! And yet Number 12 and Number 6 did conspire to bring about the downfall of the Speed Learn experiment, which they achieved in dramatic fashion! Perhaps it pays to be extra vigilant, just in case. After all Number 6 did try to bring about a mass break out of The Village, and there was that business with the Professor and the General, sabotage, and the deliberate destruction of official property. Whatever next? If things do not go well perhaps the sabotaging of a rocket, and the eventual evacuation of The Village!

Be seeing you

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