Tuesday 23 October 2018

A Favourite Scene In It’s Your Funeral

    The Village has few shops, the General Store of course, kiosks positioned round and about, two Cafes, and the watchmakers shop. I have always thought of the watchmaker to have been recruited to The Village, after all that is the work he would be doing. He may have come with his wife and daughter Monique, unless she had been born in The Village. The Watchmaker is alone, so it can be supposed that his wife is deceased. But the shop, it’s a replica of his original shop of course, but are the contents replicas original to his shop somewhere else before he came to The Village to run his business there? I would expect the clocks to be originals, one off’s seeing as he was a watchmaker. I wonder if Number 51 was permitted to return to his shop after his exploits leading up to Appreciation Day. I like to think he was, after all he had been cleverly manipulated, no, radicalized by Number 100.

Be seeing you   

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