Wednesday 28 November 2018

Citizen No.6

    “The one and only Number Six!”
                              {Number 2 – Free For All}
That is how Number 2 introduced Number 6 to the madding crowd, as the one and only Number 6. But he wasn’t, was he? There were at least two of him. Curtis his doppelganger, and Number 1. Of course that’s not counting twice during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ when Number 6 can be seen out and about The Village, when he’s still in bed, and as he’s just coming out of the Green Dome. In ‘The Schizoid Man’ there are three Number 6’s, Number 6, Curtis, and the man seen running along the road from the air as the helicopter circles The Village. I wonder what Number 2’s explanation would be? Because whoever it is, that person cannot be Curtis, firstly he’s wearing the wrong coloured blazer, and secondly he’s dead, and it’s Number 6 who is impersonating Curtis in the helicopter, so it’s not him! So there has to be a third Number 6 in The Village.....unless the running figure is Number 1 impersonating Number 6!

Be seeing you

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