Tuesday 6 November 2018

In The Village!

    People either wake up in The Village having been abducted, the information inside their heads of value to one side or another. Information which needs either protecting or extracting. Whilst others are the original citizens, those construction workers, carpenters, plumbers, bricklayers, glaziers, roofers, painters and decorators, workmen and craftsmen who helped build The Village. All recruited via Labour Exchanges or Employment Bureaux, and no doubt Government contracts were issued to construction companies, and to factories which provided tins of Village food, printers who printed the labels, and Maps of The Village. Not to mention Austin Morris who provided the Mini-Mokes! The prisoners, warders, guardians, nurses, doctors, maid, waiters, and waitresses the list is as long as your arm. And then there are those who are sent to The Village on a mission, those like Curtis, Fotheringay, and two Colonels. Not all leave The Village, some become permanent residents to reside in the cemetery. Some enjoy living in The Village, and wouldn’t leave for the world. Perhaps for them living in The Village is far preferable to existing in the outside world. To some The Village is a form of Shangri-la {especially when the extra hour of recreation had been introduced – less work and more play} whilst to others its a living nightmare from which there is no escape!

Be seeing you

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