Monday 24 December 2018

A Favourite Scene In Dance of The Dead

    A favourite scene in ‘Dance of The Dead,’ yet equally it could be from ‘Many Happy Returns’ after Number 6, who has recently returned to The Village, looks out of his cottage window. And yet, it is the wrong view, for Number 6 to look out upon this scene, he would have to live in one of the terraced cottages next to the Green Dome. For to do so from his own cottage is clearly impossible!
   But it’s nice to see the good citizens of this fine community promenading around the pool and fountain of the Piazza, which for many is a daily occurrence, well I suppose it passes the time. But it might not be the promenading which is the important thing. For the Victorians who although they were very fond of promenading in parks, along esplanades at costal resorts, it was not so much the promenading that was so important, it was being seen! But why our diminutive friend the
Butler is standing there overlooking the scene, is anyone’s guess. Did you realize that only two citizens have such a black and white striped umbrella like that one, the Butler and Number 6. Only Number 6 cast his umbrella away into the back of a taxi on the day he was discharged from the hospital, but he must have retrieved it because later he’s seen to have it when he meets with Number 9 at the Brass band concert, but is never seen with it again in the entire series. So perhaps he cast the umbrella to one side again only for the Butler to pick it up who is seen holding it up, not only in this scene but others as well.
    But why open umbrellas on such a sunny day, why to act as parasols for protection against the sun, why else?

Be seeing you

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