Friday 22 February 2019

Many Happy Returns

   I wonder just how many days it took Number 6 to build his raft? The episode itself suggests he built it in a day, I suppose its possible, but its hard work. I think it might well have taken him a couple of days. But anytime between February 22nd and March 19th is the best time of the year to watch Many Happy Returns, because of the 25 days Number 6 spends at sea. Not that the Prisoner’s birthday has got anything to do with this episodes because it hasn’t, it’s just coincidental.
   It’s strange how Number 6 is so desperate to escape the village, and once he succeeds in returning to London how he no longer fits into society, in fact everything that was once his has now been taken away from him, he’s no more than a homeless vagrant! Its no wonder he couldn’t wait to return to the village, at least there he has a home, is looked after, and sort of fits in, even if the edges are still a bit rough! So I shall be watching Many Happy Returns soon. It’s interesting that there are only 5 episodes in the Prisoner which can be watched at precise times in the year, or on a specific date.

Be seeing you

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