Monday 25 March 2019

Quote For The Day

    “You can say what you like, you brought me back here.”
                                 {Number 2 – Once Upon A Time}
    So who was it who had Number 2 brought back to the Village? Number 2 is complaining to Number 1 that it was he who had him brought back to the Village, and if not Number 1 then those “masters” we hear about from time to time who had Number 2 brought back to the Village. However on a more symbolic level, it might be Leo McKern expressing his own personal feelings in the scene, in complaining that it was actually Pat McGoohan who had him brought back!
    Pat McGoohan played for real the fight scene between Headmaster and pupil, and almost half killed Leo who was in fear of his life, and eventually got up off the floor gasping for breath! In fact things got worse for Leo because he suffered a nervous breakdown whist working on ‘Once Upon A Time,’ which stopped the filming. However McKern being the consummate professional returned to complete the filming of the episode. However he swore he would never work with Patrick McGoohan again. And yet he did, despite having been put through some rough treatment at his hands.

Be seeing you

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