Sunday 7 April 2019

A Favourite Scene In Many Happy Returns

    “The Town Hall, Number Two’s residence, my house, the Old People’s Home……..”
    Our friend Number 6 is really getting excited, having made his report to both the Colonel and Thorpe he’s trying to hammer it home. He also has a problem, he seems to have forgotten his previous encounter when he went running back to his ex-colleagues. By that I mean the Colonel and Fotheringay, and the fact that they were both in the Village, didn’t seem to make Number 6 stop and think the same might be said of the Colonel and Thorpe. That they also might well be in the pay of those “masters” behind the Village! This was Number 6’s second debriefing session with the Colonel, his next encounter with the Colonel will be on a completely different level!

Be seeing you

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