Monday 15 April 2019

Many Happy Returns

    By the time of this episode, Number 6, who at night used to keep his wristwatch on the bedside table, has taken to wearing it in bed at night. Also the two day-date calendars in Number 6’s cottage have been removed, after the devices had been so important in ‘The Schizoid Man.’
    Also The Village has a milk deliver service, a milkman driving a milk float, however in this case its likely a garden tractor towing a trailer, probably with a logo on the side such as ‘Pinta Man Is Strong,’ or ‘Drinka Pinta Milk A day, or ‘Village Milk Is Better Milk.’ How do we know there is a milk round operating in The Village? The night before, Number 6 had put his empty milk bottle on the doorstep ready for collection.
    And the loudspeaker which Number 6 couldn’t switch off in ‘Arrival’ and found so annoying during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ now he misses it when the music is not there. Because he picks it up and shakes it, in case its broken!
    The café was locked, I wonder if the General Store was locked as well, so that Number 6 had to break in? And after his unceremonious return to The Village, was he made to pay that receipt for 964 work units he wrote on the counter?
   ‘What Are Facts Behind Town Hall?’ Well that’s the headline, but there is no main article to accompany it, not like there is with ‘No.6 Speaks His Mind,’ or ‘Increase Vigilance Call From No.2.’

Be seeing you

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