Thursday 4 July 2019

A Favourite Scene In Living In Harmony

    Had George Markstein not left ‘the Prisoner’ production when he did, he could have revived his role as the man sat behind the desk in ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling’ cutting out the need for actor Patrick Jordan as Danvers. George could also have appeared in the role of the Marshal who is busy writing out a report or something or other during the opening sequence to ‘Living In Harmony.’ As we know the episode enjoys a representative opening sequence of the regular opening sequence to ‘the Prisoner.’ However there will be those of us who remember the 1984 screening I think it was, of ‘the Prisoner’ by Channel 4. When it came to ‘Living In Harmony’ some clever dick thought the regular opening sequence was missing from the episode, so it was added. So that when ‘Living Harmony’ began there was the regular series opening sequence immediately followed by the correct one for the episode!

Be seeing you

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