Wednesday 24 July 2019

Thought For The Day

    Here’s another elaborate plan, make the village look as though the village is deserted, that everyone has left leaving No.6 behind. Let him discover for himself that the only way out is by sea. Leave a Mini-Moke with the key in the ignition, he’ll need it to haul the logs, and carry the oil drums for his raft down to the slipway. It’s just as well they had the faith in No.6 to not only be able to construct his raft, but also to navigate the craft. Not everyman could do that, but perhaps they researched and computed the Prisoner’s whole background in assessing his skills and abilities in order to come up with this plan. Had it been anyone else but No.6, I think the plan would have been doomed to failure from the beginning. On the other hand had it been anyone other than No.6, then I don’t think such a plan would have been suggested in the first place!

Be seeing you

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