Thursday 12 September 2019

Thought For The Day

    Towards the end of ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ when Number 2 had completely lost the plot, as well as his reasoning, he accused the Butler of being in on the conspiracy against him. So he told the Butler to get out of this house, meaning the Green Dome, not that the Green Dome is a house, it’s more a glorified office really. However that aside, the Butler packed his suitcase and left, I wonder where he went? Wherever it was it was the second time he had had to leave the Green Dome, as well as his position. What I mean is, when Mrs. Butterworth took up her position as the new Number 2, she might well have brought her housemaid Martha with her. And knowing Martha she wouldn’t put up with our diminutive friend for very long, and certainly would never share the annexe with him. For she and she alone would expect to serve her mistress. So where did the Butler go during that time? Thinking about it it’s a wonder the Butler was about in ‘Dance of The Dead’ seeing as this episode gives the impression of being female orientated.

Be seeing you

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