Sunday 22 September 2019

Thought For The day

     Sometimes I wonder if the right Number 2 was selected for the task in hand? They certainly made a mistake with Number 2 of ‘Hammer Into Anvil,’ he was a weak link to begin with, off balance, and paranoid. I doubt very much that he would have been any better no matter the task. Number 2 of ‘Chimes’ he was more than capable as Number 2, it’s just a pity he had to give his life for the cause! Number 2 of ‘Checkmate’ was a fair administrator, and happy to let others get their hands dirty. Then there was Number 2 of ‘A B and C,’ and ‘The General’ he was guilty of one thing, underestimating Number 6, not once but twice! Perhaps if he had been given a free hand like Number 2 in ‘Living In Harmony’ he might have succeeded when another failed. But then not all Number 2’s were brought to The Village to deal with Number 6, yet they mostly fell foul of him one way or another! Only the lucky few survived with their reputations intact!

Be seeing you

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