Saturday 12 October 2019

A favourite Scene In The Schizoid Man

   Numbers 12 and 6 emerge from the Recreation Hall.
    “You still claim to be Number 6?”
    “This is beginning to get on my nerves a little bit.
    Number 6 12 supposes that his counterpart is also an Olympic boxer as well. So put up your dukes Number 6, are you orthodox or southpaw? And a bit of a fist fight takes place on the steps of the Recreation Hall. But Number 6 cannot seem to make up his mind whether or not he’s orthodox or southpaw, and is eventually knocked to the ground. Never mind, when Number 6 gets to his feet his blazer isn’t all messed up, my point is that someone must have noticed that two Number Sixes were fighting it out on the steps of the Recreation Hall. After all there were enough passers-by at the time. They might not have done anything to stop the fight, but people would have at least realized that there were two identical Sixes in the village. But then again identical twins, look-a-likes, and doppelgangers are not so rare in the village. The way things are, and using a bit of imagination, Number 6 could easily have been one of triplets. After all what chance there being three such identical looking men in the village?

Be seeing you 

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