Friday 24 January 2020

In The Village!

    In the Village there are times when people genuinely appear to be enjoying themselves, mostly down on the beach, either sunbathing, playing beach ball, building sand castles, or sailing plastic boats. Not like that time during Carnival when there was nothing but blank expressions on people’s faces. The brass band played, but the cheers of the parading people were fake, piped over the Village via the public address system! Well no-one truly enjoys Carnival do they, and those that do are simply an annoyance to those who do not. And yet there was the Mardi-Gras atmosphere in the Village at the time of Speed Learn dashing about, brandishing placards “No home work with Speed Learn” and wearing masks of all kinds. I think that was truly the one time when the citizens were enjoying themselves, as they celebrated the joys of Speed Learn. Yes the students were being force fed knowledge, but there didn’t seem to be any use of drugs, merely hypnosis as they sat staring at television screens.

Be seeing you

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