Friday 3 January 2020

Thought For The Day

   In the Control Room, No.2 swore to break the conspiracy about him. And yet the only conspiracy seems to involve No.2 and his assistant No.14. It is said that there is more harm in the village than is dreamt, according to No.6’s personal message read in the personal column of The Tally Ho. It appears to No.14 that No.6 is out to poison the whole village, and that something should be done about him soon. It seems that every day No.6 becomes a bigger threat to No.2. No,14 said No.6 is undermining his authority, and wants No.2 to let him deal with No.6. All he wants is the word. The trouble is No.2 believes No.6 is a plant, and that if anything happened to No.6 their masters would know who was responsible. But No.14 persists, let him deal with No.6 and he’ll make it look like an accident, which No.2 could never be connected to. It’s clear that No.2 is pondering No.14’s suggestion to rid the village of a troublemaker. Then No.2 appears to have made up his mind, with a nod of his head he and No.14 leave his office but are confronted with No.6 in the foyer. I wonder what was in No.2’s mind, where he and No.14 were going when they left the office, and what would have happened had No.6 not appeared on the scene claiming No.2 had telephoned him, saying he wanted to see him urgently? Perhaps they were on their way to 6 Private to sort No.6 out once and for all. As it is, No.2 gives No.14 “the word” to deal with No.6 with his eyes. No.6’s somewhat timely intervention gave No.14 the opportunity to challenge No.6 to a thorough dusting down in a bout of Kosho. Pity 14 wasn’t up to the challenge!

Be seeing you

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