Wednesday 26 February 2020

The 10th Anniversary!

    The 10th Anniversary of what you may ask yourself - of my ‘Prisoner’ based blog as it happens. I wanted an outlet where I could publish my thoughts, ideas, theories, and interpretations of ‘the Prisoner’ and possibly share them with other like-minded enthusiasts for the series and Blogspot has allowed me to do just that.
   The success of my blog has been based mostly on short entries posted frequently although there are longer entries such as short stories. At the beginning I posted 5 entries every day of the week. That might seem a lot, and it was, but at the time I was trying to build up a readership. Looking back now I might have been better off staggering the posts, and not so many per day as this would have helped retain material for the blog’s longevity. However I did eventually learn to do that, simply on the basis of retaining material and thereby being able to maintain the blog. And I am still managing to come up with new ideas, or seeing something new in ‘the Prisoner’ which I have not observed before. Even in its 53rd year ‘The Prisoner’ can still surprise even for the most seasoned enthusiast.
   When I commenced writing the blog back in 2010 I imagined that it would run for perhaps a couple of years or so, I had no idea I would still be writing it for another ten years containing almost 10,500 entries. My wife said if there is any prisoner enthusiast who thinks he can better that, then let him try! Certainly the blog has proved highly successful and enjoyed by Prisoner fans World-wide who enjoy it for pleasure, or even use it as a place of reference.
   How many more years will my blog run for? Who can say, but its immediate future is secure.

Be seeing you

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