Monday 9 March 2020

A Favourite Scene In The Chimes of Big Ben

    “Switch off, switch off!”
    That could have been a nasty moment! Nadia is a very good agent, I suppose she could be described as a “plant,” assigned to No.6 as she was. From the moment she sprinkles water on the floor, discovering the alternating electrical current running through the floor {4 seconds on four seconds off} and begins to count. It takes just three seconds to reach the door; she has confidence in her counting and in making a dash for the door Nadia is placing her trust in No.2 to have the electrical current switched off at the right moment. By the time Nadia has decided to try and leave the room No.6 has turned away, perhaps because he cannot stand to watch a woman being put under this form of torture. Did you hear the panic in No.2’s voice, he must have been relieved!

Be seeing you

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