Thursday 18 June 2020

Woodworking Project!

    Since having watched ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ on May 28th its now three weeks until the Exhibition of Arts And Crafts, and three weeks since No.6 and No.8 were brought to together by careful manipulation on the part of No.2. Six weeks is a long time in the village, however No.6 has a plan, if only he knew the location of the village he could calculate where he could sail to by boat! Lucky for him then that Nadia knows the location having briefly seen a file on the village.
   So No.6 has a plan, he has calculated where he is sailing to, because he knows where he is sailing from, now all he needs is a boat! No doubt he sat in his cottage one day, or during the evening, drawing up a plan for a boat, then cleverly developing the pieces that go to make the craft and to make up the form of an abstract sculpture. Then all he had to do was make his own tools and get to work on his woodwork project which he promised No.2 he would do.    
    But six seeks is a long time, and it makes me wonder what Nadia was doing in all that time? Did she and No.6 develop a friendship? She went round the No.6’s cottage that morning and made his breakfast for him, might she have done that every morning after? One can imagine that if they were to escape together they would have spent more time in each others company. Unless of course Nadia left No.6 to it as she did during the episode, after all I cannot see Nadia sitting in the woods all day watching No.6 do some woodwork, she would soon get bored. But perhaps as a variation there were times when she sat with No.2 in his office watching No.6 doing some woodwork on the wall screen instead, and becoming equally bored!
    Six weeks is a long time for Nadia to wait for No.6 to complete his boat I mean sculpture! I can imagine her attending the regular brass band concerts, perhaps having coffee at the café, perhaps calling round to see No.6 in the mornings and evenings. She might sunbathe on the beach, or go for a swim in swimming pool or indeed the sea because after that confrontation with the Guardian the sea would be safe for her now. But seeing as she didn’t physically help No.6 with his woodwork project, as he spent most of his time in the woods, it does bring into question how Nadia spent her time in the village when not in No.6’s company.

Be seeing you 

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