Saturday 10 October 2020

More Tales From The Village

     “Supposing I don’t want any flowers?”       
“Everyone has flowers for village in bloom!”
    “What’s village in bloom?”
    “Village in bloom is when everyone works together to smarten up the village. We make the village look at its best with flower displays, we make sure the streets are swept clean, even the stone boat is getting a fresh coat of paint and being decked out with bunting. All the flowers beds are weed free, the lawns cut, hedges trimmed and walls painted. Citizens open their gardens so that other citizens can look at them. Then the gardens get judged by the awards committee.”
“I still don’t want any flowers!”

    “Don’t be like that; your cottage might win a prize.”
“I haven’t got a garden!”

“Then all the more reason for a window box then!”
“And you think one window box can make that much of a
“You never know, be seeing you.”

Be seeing you

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